This song is becoming by far my favorite Christmas song, ever. I love it because it captures the reality of who Jesus is: He is a King worthy of all creation's praises! Even as a little newborn baby, He is still the King of Kings (Revelation 19:16), who is worthy of our praises! "Hail, hail to the newborn King." Not only this, but Jesus is and always will be "the Light of the World and whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). Take a minute to really let this Truth settle into you. Jesus' presence in our lives drives back the darkness that continually tries to pull us down into the pits of despair and hopelessness. Now that's Good News! "Hail, hail to the guiding Light. That brought us tonight to our Savior! Halle, hallelujah! Halle, hallelujah!" Merry Christmas!
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What is good biblical leadership?
What is good biblical leadership? This is a question I've been asking myself lately. Oftentimes, I see Christian leaders referencing boo...
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sara Groves: when the saints
This song is a good reminder that when we read through the book of Acts in the bible, we should be asking ourselves: "Where in the world can I be doing what the disciples were doing?" Now, on the surface, the world today may look very different from what it looked like 2000 years ago. But, the sad reality of sin and our fallenness is that no matter what era that we live in there will always be people using and abusing other people. Though we have advanced greatly through technology, greed, lust and hatred still remains which means that there will always be a need for followers of Jesus to be engaging redemptively with the world from an eternal perspective with the Gospel.
"I see the long quiet walk along the Underground Railroad. I see the slave awakening to the value of her soul. I see the young missionary and the angry spear. I see his family returning with no trace of fear. I see the long hard shadows of Calcutta nights. I see the sister standing by the dying man's side. I see the young girl huddled on the brothel floor. I see the man with a passion come and kicking down the door. I see the man of sorrows and his long troubled road. I see the world on his shoulders and my easy load..."
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Mercy Me: spoken for
This song is in many ways my heart's cry for all people, but specifically for those who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction because they are the ones who are being destroyed by their all-consuming desire for the things of this world (drugs and alcohol) at such an alarming and tragic rate. Whenever I see someone caught in such bondage to their lust for the world, the Spirit of God moves my heart to begin praying that Jesus would set them free into His eternal Kingdom of grace and freedom where they are covered by Divine Love, where God puts His hand upon their life and says to the devil, "No more! This one is mine!" and where their hearts are completely spoken for: sold out for Jesus.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Hillsong United (Brooke Fraser): SOON
I long to see Jesus, to see Him in all of His majesty, to see the Savior who gave His life, so that I could live, to see my friend and King who shares all eternity with me. I long to see Jesus, to see Him in all of His beauty, to see Him who is Love and Truth, to see the Shepherd who has guided and cared for me through this life. I long to see Jesus, to finally see Him face to face.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Rita Springer: fragrant offering
This song reminds me of the Gospel story where a woman anoints Jesus with expensive perfume (Mark 14:3-9). What moves me in the narrative is both the woman's passion to boldly bless Jesus regardless of who was around and Jesus' full acceptance of her fragrant offering. What especially touches my heart is when people begin to criticize her for being wasteful, Jesus becomes very protective of her. "Leave her alone,” He says, “Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me" (Mark 14:6 NIV).
This is good reminder that in the world's eyes, extravagant offerings to the Lord may seem foolish and wasteful. But, to the Lord they are "a beautiful thing." My heart's cry is that I would hold nothing back from the Lord, that the whole of my life would be a pleasing and fragrant offering to the Lord. I pray Lord that just as the woman in Bethany broke the alabaster jar of expensive perfume and anointed You, Jesus, I too would "pour my vial of worship over You" regardless of what anyone thinks or says Jesus. Help me Holy Spirit to give generously and with wild abandon to the Lord! To the Father's glory! Amen.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Starfield: unashamed
What does it mean to be made whole, to be made complete? Because everyday I am confronted with the reality that my soul is fractured and in need of healing. Some days are better than others, but there are those moments where I come face to face with my brokenness; soulish moments where the wounds of my heart begin to lash out at God, others, even myself. Lately, I've been feeling the force of all the many broken relationships of my past which is effecting my relational capacity to receive love.
Now, I fully understand that Jesus makes me whole. But, what I am learning is that embracing this truth is an ongoing process. It's like I need to continually remind myself that because I am in Christ I have been made complete because in Him my wounds are healed. I believe the reason this is easier said than done is because if I am to be made complete in Jesus, I need to embrace the full extent of my brokenness which is all together scary, humbling, overwhelming and painful to say the least.
Now, I fully understand that Jesus makes me whole. But, what I am learning is that embracing this truth is an ongoing process. It's like I need to continually remind myself that because I am in Christ I have been made complete because in Him my wounds are healed. I believe the reason this is easier said than done is because if I am to be made complete in Jesus, I need to embrace the full extent of my brokenness which is all together scary, humbling, overwhelming and painful to say the least.
But, what helps get me through is the reminder that God is love and that there is no safer place to be than at His feet. He fully accepts me just as I am, period. I don't need to feel ashamed about my brokenness because Jesus fully loves me in my brokenness while He brings healing and redemption to my brokenness. At His feet is where I am fully known and still fully loved. Jesus, "here I am at your feet, in my brokenness complete."
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Rita Springer: phenomenon
A few weeks back God miraculously grew out one of my legs and then evened them out (for the full story click here). While I have been processing this, what the Holy Spirit has brought to my attention is how I can get easily sidetracked by the supernatural. Meaning, when a miracle happens I can very easily forget the Miracle Worker (God) because I am so captivated by the miracle itself. That's why I love this song, it reminds me that I don't follow God because of the supernatural but because I love Him. "I am not here just to see a phenomenon. I am not here for experiential bliss. I simply come to the feet of the God I serve, the One that I love."
God is a supernatural God, Who works miracles. There is no way of getting around this truth. And this song is a great reminder that witnessing and experiencing the supernatural isn't what we ground our faith in. Rather, our faith needs to be rooted in God Himself. The reason God does miracles is to bring people to faith in Him. But, if our faith is solely rooted in the supernatural, then what we'll have is an immature and shallow faith. "I am not here for the sake of a miracle. I am not here just to see the dead raised. Yes I believe in power supernatural, but that's not why I'm saved." We are saved through a Person, Jesus Christ, in Him is where we must put our faith.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Bad Religion: we are only gonna die
Recently, a friend of mine changed her Facebook profile pic to one that reminded me of when we used to run wild in the streets of Chicago as a couple of punk rock kids. When I sit down and really think about those days, they were some pretty painful times of my past. I was so angry at the world and I wanted everyone to feel my pain. This song was one of my favorites back then. From as far back as I can remember, music has always helped me find my voice. If you ever want to know where I'm at in this journey through life just ask me what songs I'm listening to, they will clue you in to what's currently on my heart.
Today, the music that reflects the voice of my heart is far different then what it was. Thankfully, God has healed the painful memories of my past and eased the anger that poured out of my every pore. I have found peace. Not just any peace, but a peace that transcends this very world. Through Jesus I have made peace with God, with others and with myself. My past no longer controls my present, nor dictates my future. There's a Scripture verse that describes my life with God now: "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'" (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). It's true.
Today, the music that reflects the voice of my heart is far different then what it was. Thankfully, God has healed the painful memories of my past and eased the anger that poured out of my every pore. I have found peace. Not just any peace, but a peace that transcends this very world. Through Jesus I have made peace with God, with others and with myself. My past no longer controls my present, nor dictates my future. There's a Scripture verse that describes my life with God now: "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'" (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). It's true.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
ATB: don't stop
Just recently, a friend of mine posted this as his facebook status: "amazing how many memories a song can hold." I'd have to agree. Music is a powerful catalyst. This song has quite a few memories for me, both happy and painful. The happy memories are the ones where I'm dancing with close friends without a care in the world. The painful memories are the ones where I'm so high on ecstasy that I can't even remember my name. I definitely don't miss those days. But, I do miss the ones where I'm dancing with close friends. What kind of memories do the songs of your life activate?
Sunday, October 3, 2010
chicane: DAYLIGHT
When God first began moving in my life, letting me know that He was real, that He loved me and that He had an amazing purpose and plan for my life, He used people and music to speak to me. I was pretty deep into the rave and club scene where music, dancing and drugs was my life. When I hear the lyrics, "Is it daylight? I hardly ever notice. I hardly feel the sun. And I never feeling anyone." That was me. I lived for the night, numbed to everything but drugs and music. I used to get completely lost dancing for hours and hours on end: music, drugs and dancing was my escape from reality.
This song reminds me of those times when the light of God's Kingdom began to break into the darkness that was my life. He helped me to feel again. He helped me to come out of the darkness and into His wonderful light. At first it hurt to be exposed, but I slowly began to adjust to the light and my soul started to heal in the light of God's love. Today, I am learning to dance through life, rather than dancing to escape life. God has shown me the way of life and has granted me the joy of being in His presence and the pleasures of living with Him forever (Psalm 16:11). My prayer is that the light of God's Kingdom would begin to break in greater measure in your life and that you would begin to heal in the light of His love.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
daft punk: DIGITAL LOVE
This is another song that just makes me happy when I hear it because it touches the part of my heart that dreams of being in love. Life is always better when you can share it with another. I'm glad that God said that "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him" (Genesis 2:18 NIV). Now, if only God would bring that helper my way already! Do you believe that God divinely orchestrates two people meeting, falling in love and spending the rest of their lives together?
Friday, October 1, 2010
Peter Heller: BIG LOVE
House music just about always puts me in a good mood. This song is no different. Call me a hopeless romantic or old fashioned, but there's something simply sweet about saving love for that special someone! But, it seems like everyday I am tempted to give my love away in less than meaningful ways. We live in such a sexually saturated society where the value on our sexuality has been steadily depreciating at an alarming rate. Sex has been reduced to a purely physical act, rather than encompassing every aspect of our being (emotional, psychological, physcial and spiritual). To use other language, our sexuality needs to be connected to our heart, mind, body and soul. How much value do you put on your sexuality?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Hillsong United: FIRE FALL DOWN
Whenever I feel broken this song helps to remind me of God's faithfulness in healing, saving, redeeming and restoring my life. I've been on such an amazing journey with God these past 10 years or so. Sometimes I wish I was further ahead on this journey then I am, but it's in these moments that I need to remind myself that I can't make myself grow any faster. I need to remind myself that I am completely dependent on God's grace and mercy. After all, it is His love that sustains me. Thank You Lord that You really do fix broken lives. Thank You for fixing mine.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Leona Lewis: BRAVE
Bravery. I think it's safe to say that we all wish we could be a bit braver in certain areas of our lives. But, because of the spiritual battle that wars around us many of us have "shadows weighing us down," keeping us from reaching our full potential in life, keeping us from being brave. Listening to this song touches those places in my heart that long for bravery. To be honest, the moments that I lack the most bravery are usually when God is calling me to step out in faith to proclaim and demonstrate that His Kingdom is near to people.
The more I listen to this song, the more I long to have the faith that I read Jesus had in the Gospels. The bible says that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are, but was without sin (Hebrews 4:15). This tells me that there were moments when Jesus was tempted to not step out in faith, to not be brave. But, He didn't. Why not? Now the easy answer would be to say that well Jesus was God, so of course He didn't and leave it at that. This is maybe true, but sounds more like a cop-out than an explanation. The more I've meditated and sought clarity from the Holy Spirit on this, the more I'm convinced that it was because Jesus knew who had His back.
Our Father in heaven had Jesus' back and He also has ours. For me, it's not so much about trying to conjure up bravery inside of myself, but more about believing that our Father in heaven actually has my back, that He is before me and behind me, above me and below me and at either side of me. Bravery comes from knowing that because we are God's children, He has our backs. God is intimately concerned about every aspect of our lives from the big to the small, from the epic to the utterly mundane and boring. He is our Father in heaven who loves and delights in us. Bravery comes from knowing who He is to us and what we mean to Him.
Friday, September 24, 2010
ten shekel shirt: HEALER
I find great comfort in knowing that God is my healer. I personally have experienced healing from Jesus emotionally (the wounds of my heart) and spiritually (freed from the shame and guilt of sin and delivered from demonic torment). Jesus has also used me to bring emotional, spiritual, psychological and physical healing to people as well. God's heart towards us is goodness, but because we are caught in a war where the enemy is constantly attacking people and trying to destroy them many people confuse this suffering as actually coming from the heart of God.
Today, as I was at the grocery store, I saw this women who was terribly thin. From my perspective it was pretty obvious that she suffered from anorexia nervosa (by the grace of God, I am extra sensitive to addictive types of conditions). I was so moved by the compassion of God that I literally began to pray out loud for Jesus to bring healing to her body and deliver her from any demonic influence over her life. It's in moments like this that God blesses me by revealing to me His heart towards people who are suffering. I fully believe that His heart is to bring healing to us. Have you asked God to become your healer?
Today, as I was at the grocery store, I saw this women who was terribly thin. From my perspective it was pretty obvious that she suffered from anorexia nervosa (by the grace of God, I am extra sensitive to addictive types of conditions). I was so moved by the compassion of God that I literally began to pray out loud for Jesus to bring healing to her body and deliver her from any demonic influence over her life. It's in moments like this that God blesses me by revealing to me His heart towards people who are suffering. I fully believe that His heart is to bring healing to us. Have you asked God to become your healer?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I long for God to awaken people to the reality of the Kingdom of God, so that they can begin to see the world from an eternal perspective. This is my heart's cry. I think the reason I like this song so much is that I helps give voice to this longing. I just want to scream to the world to "open your eyes" Jesus loves you! But, in the end everyone has to choose to believe for themselves, I can't open their eyes for them. When the Kingdom of God comes near them, they have to choose to open their eyes and hearts to accept and believe that Jesus has come to save them!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Jonathan David Helser: fly
Trust, surrender and healing go hand in hand (in hand?). The more I trust, the more I surrender, the more I surrender the more I am healed by God. My heart longs to be fully free and fully alive. But, "the sad reality of our fallen condition is that we would rather live the way we are familiar and comfortable with, even if it means living in bondage, rather than embrace the new and unfamiliar way that Jesus has for us" (for more on this go here: living free). Now stepping off the edge, letting go and leaving it all behind will look differently for each of us. But, I believe at core of this cutting loose is the revelation that the plans that Father God has for us are far better than any plans we could ever have for ourselves. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV).
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Jason Upton: sons and daughters
This is such a profound question: "Do you know that you are a Word from Heaven?" When I really sit down a think through what this question is asking, it blows me away. What this question is saying is that from Heaven, God has spoken that we are His sons and daughters and His Word has come true. Have you recieved the truth that you are a Word from Heaven?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Brian and Jenn Johnson: love came down
God longs to be near us. But, because of the thorns and scars in and on our hearts (our woundedness) there will be times where we will try to keep God at arm's length thinking to ourselves that He would rather be spending time with someone else. I can't tell you how many people I've met that believe that God loves us because He has to and that He actually doesn't really like us. He more or less just puts up with us (which couldn't be further from the Truth). Personally, the day someone told me that God actually really does loves me, that He actually really, really, really likes me as well and can't get enough of me and that He really, really, really, really delights in spending time with me has forever changed me (and I don't feel like I'm being overly dramatic here). I mean think about it, God gave up His one and only Son, Jesus, so that He could be near us and we could be near Him for all eternity (John 3:16). Do you really think that God would do this only to have to "put up" with us forever? Of course not! because He really, really, really does love and like us!!! This song helps to remind me that I belong to God and He loves spending time with me, period.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Chris Tomlin: this is our God
Everyone has baggage when it comes to God which clouds the way we understand and experience Him. That's why I love this song because it paints a Scripturally accurate picture of Who God is. I can't tell you how many times I've listened to this song over and over and over again because I needed to hear over and over and over again Who God is. My baggage, the wounds of my heart, fights against believing in the goodness and love of God. One of the hardest thing for me to do (and I don't think I'm alone in this) was to just receive God's saving grace. Even after coming to faith in Jesus, I still need to make a conscious decision each and everyday to receive the grace He has for me each and everyday. I've noticed that the more I do this the clearer and more accurate my understanding and experience of God grows. Maybe you need to listen to this song over and over and over again to help remind you of Who God is. "God help us to receive more of Your grace, in Jesus Name, Amen."
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Straight Gate Church Choir: Breathe
What gives you life? There are two instances in the bible where God breathes. First, in Genesis 2:7 the Father breathes into Adam the breathe of life. Secondly, in John 20:22 Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit onto His disciples. What this says to me is that God is the Creator and Giver of life, both physical and spiritual, old and new. The bible also says that when a person comes to faith in Jesus, God pours His love into them by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5), who comes to dwell within that person (1 Corinthians 6:19) and that person becomes a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). In that instant a miracle happens. I believe from that day forward as a person embraces more and more living, moving and having their being within God (Acts 17:28), Holy Spirit continually breathes new life into that person each and everyday. So, maybe the better question is: "When's the last time you felt God breathe in or on you?"
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Pennies HEART
The guys at Phos Pictures never fail to move my heart towards hope. This video is especially endearing: who's heart doesn't break when they see kids in distress? I couldn't even begin to imagine what this family went through. The Scripture passage that comes to mind is "All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us" (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4 NLT). God is the great Comforter, but He also empowers His people to comfort others. I love that a community of people gathered around this family and comforted, prayed and cared for them. For me that's a clear picture of the family of God: "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:35 NIV).
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Rita Springer: WORTH IT ALL
This song always helps to ground and reorient me back to the reason I live the way I live, do the things that I do and suffer through the things that I suffer through. Simply put, Jesus is worth it. For me, the Christian faith isn't so much about Heaven (though I do look forward to being there), nor is it all about eternity (though I do look forward to living forever). No, for me the Christian faith is all about Jesus: knowing Him, following Him, becoming more like Him. From what I gather from Scripture, the blessed hope that the followers of Jesus get to look forward to is: the day that we all finally get to meet our Savior face to face. I think this video captures the essence of this song well. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for the sins of Mankind has earned Him all the praise and glory from all creation. Jesus is worthy of all our praise. The reason I live the way I live, do the things that I do and suffer through the things that I suffer through is because in my eyes, Jesus is worth it.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tyson Ibele: HEMLOCK
I find this take on the fountain of youth interesting because it takes the old myth and incorporates modern man's pursuit of technological immortality. The rise of technology has given birth to a movement of "Transhumanists" who are obsessed with living forever through the merging of man and machine. Ray Kuzweil is one of the leading scientists in this endeavor and has coined this merging as the "Singularity."
In interacting with this notion, here are a couple questions to ask yourself:
- Biological: When does a human being stop becoming human?
- Metaphysical: At what point do we consider an entity to be conscious, to be self-aware, to have free will?
- Personal: How much technology would you be willing to merge with your body?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The 420 Prayer Movement: STORY
Do you believe God can transform a person's life? Well, God supernaturally changed mine. I was hopelessly addicted to drugs. But, God changed all of that. The Kingdom of God broke in power into my life and I was forever changed. What's your story? Share it here.
Monday, August 16, 2010
The 420 Prayer Movement: VISION
I'm pretty excited about where God is taking the 420 Prayer Movement. One of the next steps in this coming year is to become a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. You can read more about this here. Do you know someone struggling with drug or alcohol addiction? The 420 Prayer Movement is dedicated to praying for all addicts and acoholics:
Saturday, August 14, 2010
saying good-bye
Last night was a sad night for my brother's family. They decided to euthanize their 16 year old dog "Princess." It was a very difficult decision for them to make, but her quality of life was declining quickly. She had gone deaf and was almost completely blind. You could tell that her bones ached when she moved, she would walk into walls and she just recently began showing signs of senility; she would literally get lost coming in from the garage. Here are some pictures of them saying good-bye.
It's interesting how death can spark thoughts of something more. Princess' passing opened up conversations about Heaven. More specifically what does the Bible say about animals going to Heaven, even what does the Bible say about people going to Heaven. From my understanding, the Bible is silent on whether or not animals go to Heaven, but there are Scriptures (to name a few) that talk about creation waiting to be redeemed (Romans 8:21), that describe the new heaven and earth where "The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, but dust will be the serpent's food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain," says the LORD (Isaiah 65:25 NIV), and that describe Heaven as a place filled with creatures that praise Jesus, the Lamb of God (Revelation 5:13).
So though there is some conjecture about this, I would say that it's ok to say that all animals do go to Heaven. Let me explain, I don't believe animals have the capacity to willfully sin as people do. Sure, God frustrated creation by His will (Romans 8:20) and so all creation is fallen, but I'm not so sure that animals have the capacity for premeditated sin. They act more out of instinct than conscious thought. So, if one animal goes to Heaven (in which the Bible is clear that there are animals there), I would have to conclude in God's justice and fairness that all animals go to Heaven. But, regardless of my own thoughts and musings about this, at the end of the day, I put my trust in the Word of God and in His goodness and mercy when it comes to all things pertaining to salvation, redemption, healing and life.
So though there is some conjecture about this, I would say that it's ok to say that all animals do go to Heaven. Let me explain, I don't believe animals have the capacity to willfully sin as people do. Sure, God frustrated creation by His will (Romans 8:20) and so all creation is fallen, but I'm not so sure that animals have the capacity for premeditated sin. They act more out of instinct than conscious thought. So, if one animal goes to Heaven (in which the Bible is clear that there are animals there), I would have to conclude in God's justice and fairness that all animals go to Heaven. But, regardless of my own thoughts and musings about this, at the end of the day, I put my trust in the Word of God and in His goodness and mercy when it comes to all things pertaining to salvation, redemption, healing and life.
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Princess you will be missed!!! (1994-2010) |
Friday, August 13, 2010
Emma Thompson: Human Trafficking PSA
In Revelation 18, John describes the sins of the great city of Babylon, which simply put represents the world in rebellion to God. I know that there are differing views (preterist, historicist, futurist and idealist/spiritualist), but the common thread within all of the views is rebellion to God, whether a specific or symbolic world system or religion of the past, present or future. What I want to point out is one of the earmarks of Babylon which is human trafficking, the selling of souls. "She also bought cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, chariots, and bodies—that is, human slaves" (Revelation 18:13 NLT). We shouldn't be surprised that human trafficking is happening, even on the rise. Be informed! Get the facts! Get involved! Begin praying! HUMAN TRAFFICKING: THE FACTS
Thursday, August 12, 2010
WFJ: Wrestling for Jesus
What do you think? Personally, I think it's awesome that there are evangelist wrestlers that travel from town to town wrestling and preaching the Gospel. I mean Jesus tells us that, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field" (Luke 10:2). Well, this video is proof that the Lord of the harvest is actively sending out workers into His harvest field. In this case the wrestling lovers harvest field.
When's the last time you ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up laborers? I'd like to invite you into a movement going round called the "Luke 10:2b" virus where people are setting their cell phone alarms to go off at 10:02 am everyday, in order to ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up laborers. Let's join together in one voice and Spirit to begin begging the Lord for more workers! Set your cell phone alarm today.
When's the last time you ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up laborers? I'd like to invite you into a movement going round called the "Luke 10:2b" virus where people are setting their cell phone alarms to go off at 10:02 am everyday, in order to ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up laborers. Let's join together in one voice and Spirit to begin begging the Lord for more workers! Set your cell phone alarm today.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Bob Lorrimer: SNAIL
Watching God's creation always makes me wonder in awe at the diversity of His incredible creativity!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Jonathan David Helser: ABBA
This song speaks to the deepest of my heart longings: to be unconditionally loved and accepted as a son. I can never be reminder enough of the Father's love for me, His child. He is my Abba, my Daddy, to whom I fully belong. Thank You Jesus for inviting me in Your family. Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him" (John 14:6, 7 TNIV).
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The Give
We all have a longing in our hearts to love and to be loved. I think it's pretty safe to conclude that every person ever born has this longing. I believe it’s because we are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). God is love (1 John 4:8) and so He designed us for love. Love is a relational concept, so for love to be fully realized there needs to be a relationship in place. But because we have all sinned and fallen from grace the way we love has become distorted where the natural inclination of our hearts is bent towards a selfish and self-serving love. That's what I see when watching this video: the results of a distorted love that ended in heartache and betrayal.
Friday, August 6, 2010
françois vautier: ANTS in my scanner > a five years time-lapse!
I really enjoy time lapse photography. This one is particularly interesting in that François Vautier, installed an ant colony inside his scanner and scanned the nest each week for five years. It's interesting to see how decay and corrosion slowly, but steadily begins to literally overrun the scanner. I can't help but to think about times where I've allowed anger or bitterness or unforgiveness to fester within my heart and mind. I imagine my soul began to look much like this growing ant colony within this scanner. The more I just left my anger, bitterness and unforgiveness to stew, the more it corroded and suffocated my soul. Are you allowing anger, bitterness or unforgiveness corrode and suffocate your soul?
"Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven. Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back" (Luke 6:37, 38 NLT)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
John Mark McMillan: death in his grave
Recently, a friend played this song for me and I instantly became a fan. Thank you Jesus for being who You said You are and for accomplishing what You said You would accomplish. You truly have earned all praise, honor and glory! "In a loud voice they sang: 'Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!'" Revelation 5:12 (NIV).
On Friday a thief
On Sunday a King
Laid down in grief
But awoke with the keys
To Hell on that day
The first born of the slain
The Man Jesus Christ
Laid death in his grave
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Hillsong United: YOU
When the battle rages around me, this song helps remind me of Jesus' faithfulness. That no matter how dark my life may get or how great the difficulties, I will always be able to turn to Jesus for strength and love. That no matter what, He will always watch over me through the thick of it all.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Hillsong United: here in my life
In the heat of the battle when darkness tries to overcome and consume me, I can forget that Jesus is ever with me and for me. I mean, are not the schemes of the devil to drive a wedge between my Savior and me? To make me believe that God has turned His back on me or that He is angry and disappointed with me. But, this couldn't be further from the Truth. Lately, I've been really meditating on God's grace and the reality that because I am His child, He will NEVER be angry nor disappointed in me because all of His anger and disappointment was poured out onto Jesus at the cross. I am God's favorite (as we all are) and He really, really, really likes spending time with me. He delights in ME and will never turn His back to me! It doesn't matter what I've done or haven't done because it's me the person, His creation, that He loves. Jesus is always with me - loving me even when I feel so very undeserving of His love and compassion. Thank You Father for Your grace!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Hillsong: with all I am
My heart longs for Jesus. I can't explain it, but He has touched my heart in a way that has forever changed me. I long to be near Him, to be able to see Him face to face, to hug and hold Him. He is everything to me. He is my Savior, Healer, Redeemer, Sustainer, Lord, King and Friend. But, there are moments when I fail terribly at being His disciple, servant and friend. This song helps me in those moments to reorient my heart towards Jesus, the one I love. This song reminds me of His gentle love that beckons me into His arms of compassion and mercy. "Jesus, I am so thankful that I belong to You. There truly is no one else I would rather spend eternity with than with You."
Friday, May 21, 2010
Enter the Worship Circle: I Could Run Away (performed by Josh Kuipers)
This song has been a lifeline to me this past week. I've really needed the reminder that Jesus will always be "right by my side" no matter what. That there's nothing that can separate us. I am in Him and He is in me, forever. Even when I sin, He is still near me because His blood covers my sins (past, present and future). Sure, I still need to confess my sins in reverence and honor to Him as the Holy Spirit continually purifies me of unrighteousness. But, because I am in Christ, there is nothing that can separate me from Him or the Father's love. Thank you Holy Spirit for the reminder this week that Jesus will always be with me, every step of the way!"
I could run awayYou would always stay
Right by my side
Everything I've ever wanted
I've found in you
Oh I need you
Every step of the way
Monday, May 17, 2010
Leona Lewis: bleeding love
I imagine when most people hear this song they are reminded of someone they are deeply in love with and I get that, I do. This song describes a deeply passionate love that cannot be ignored nor restrained. It speaks of a wild love that doesn't make sense at times, a love that challenges a person at the very core of their being. That's what Jesus' love does to me. He makes me want to love deeper and more passionately. In many ways, He has "cut me open" in order to teach me to love like He does. Over the last 10 years, I have literally felt like my heart's been bleeding out where "I keep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding in love."
Before Jesus entered my life I thought I knew what it meant to love. But, as He has shown me His unconditional love, I've come realize that I have much to learn about loving others. When I first felt the love of God, it was like nothing I ever felt in my life: "But something happened for the very first time with You. My heart melted to the ground, found something true." There were so many people in my life who tried their best to pull me from my new found love. "And everyone's looking 'round, thinking I'm going crazy." But, I knew deep in my heart that what I was experiencing was real. "But I don't care what they say, I'm in love with You. They try to pull me away but they don't know the truth."
The craziest thing is that we can know and experience God. Everywhere I go, I am encountered by the love of God. I see the face of Jesus in so many people I meet and He "cuts me open" with unconditional love. "And in this world of loneliness I see Your face, yet everyone around me thinks that I'm going crazy." Sure, it's been a hard road at times to be continually stretched to love deeper and at times painful when I've felt the sting of rejection from others. It's been in these moments that I've tried to close off my heart from loving others which has in many ways shrunk and crippled my heart. "My heart's crippled by the vein that I keep on closing" because of the pain.
But, I'm so grateful that Jesus has never stopped cultivating in me a "Love that never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance" (1 Corinthians 13:7 NLT). That He continually cuts me open so that His love can bleed out of me and onto a broken, lost and hurting world. Is Jesus calling you to love with greater passion? Ask Him to cultivate in you a greater capacity to love like Him no matter what the cost. Trust me, it's worth it because we were created by God out of love, for love and to love.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Effective Stewardship
Are you concerned about the things God is concerned about? Are the things that anger you and make you weep reflect the heart of God? If so, what are you doing about it?
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Franz Family: peace of mind
Though I am not an active listener of country music, this song just pulls at my heart strings because I long for more of God's peace to break into the broken areas of my life. I long for "a miracle for this broken soul." More and more I am realizing just how the fallenness of this world only encourages worry and striving, rather than peace and rest.
Over the past few weeks, the Holy Spirit has been reminding me of Jesus' words: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV). I don't know about you, but I want this promise to become more of a reality in how I live my life. Don't you?
So, this is my prayer for us: Holy Spirit, we pray that You would do what You love to do and make the things of Jesus ours, more specifically, we pray that You would help us to receive this promise of peace and rest into our lives. We submit our schedules, even our lifestyles to You and ask that You do what needs to be done. Help us to take off the yokes we've placed upon ourselves and take up Jesus' yoke which is easy and His burden which is light. In His Name we ask, Amen.
Over the past few weeks, the Holy Spirit has been reminding me of Jesus' words: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV). I don't know about you, but I want this promise to become more of a reality in how I live my life. Don't you?
So, this is my prayer for us: Holy Spirit, we pray that You would do what You love to do and make the things of Jesus ours, more specifically, we pray that You would help us to receive this promise of peace and rest into our lives. We submit our schedules, even our lifestyles to You and ask that You do what needs to be done. Help us to take off the yokes we've placed upon ourselves and take up Jesus' yoke which is easy and His burden which is light. In His Name we ask, Amen.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Last Minutes with ODEN
This video touches my heart because when I watch it I see the very heart and hand of God moving and touching lives through His creation. The Bible says that through viewing and experiencing creation people can come to know the invisible qualities of God (Rom 1:20). I believe Jason and Oden's story solidfies the truth to this Scripture. Through Oden, Jason experienced an invisible quality of God: unconditional love. If Jesus says that God can make "stones cry out" in praise to Him (Luke 19:40), then He sure can use animals to embody unconditional love. There are things we can learn about the invisible qualities of God, if we just slowed down and took the time to watch and enjoy His wonderful creation.
The way God brings redemption and restoration into our lives is always amazing. He really can use anyone and any situation to bring healing to our lives. It's no surprise that God used a dog named Oden to bring such healing to Jason. Animals don't argue with God about who they are or how they are to be. A dog will act like a dog, just like a cat will act like a cat or a horse like a horse. Animals don't fight the way God created them to be. They just obey God. There are things we can learn about trusting and obeying God, if we just slowed down and took the time to watch and enjoy His wonderful creation.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My Beloved Prodigal Son
The struggle portrayed in this video is all too familiar. Judging and condemning thoughts are ever present in my life and if I'm not careful they will consume me. But, thankfully God has shown me mercy. The devil, the world, even our own thoughts will try to continually condemn us by refusing to let us be free of our past, but Jesus offers us forgiveness and redemption from our past. When we come to Him, He wipes the slate clean and we get a second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. chance. He will hit the delete button everyday if need be. His forgiveness is total and complete. There are no conditions to His forgiveness, we just need to recognize that we need it and then ask for it.
The Bible says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Next time, when you are in the thick of battle with raging thoughts filling your mind, pause for a moment and invite God into the foray and let His peace descend upon you like a dove. Remember Jesus has already overcome the devil and the world. He will even overcome us and our judging and condemning thoughts if we let Him!
The Bible says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Next time, when you are in the thick of battle with raging thoughts filling your mind, pause for a moment and invite God into the foray and let His peace descend upon you like a dove. Remember Jesus has already overcome the devil and the world. He will even overcome us and our judging and condemning thoughts if we let Him!
Friday, April 23, 2010
SafetySuit: anywhere but here
I've been in love before, it is wonderful. I long to be in love again. But, the sad reality of my past life of drug addiction was that though I may have known love, I lacked the character to be in love. Love takes work. It is a more than just a warm feeling of endearment, love is also a choice and a commitment. Today, by the grace of God, I am a different man than I was before. Truly I am a "new creation" (2 Corinthians 5:17) as the Bible claims happens to those who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. God has set me free from my 15+ year battle with drug addiciton and has been building character in me while bringing healing to my heart and redemption to my life. It's interesting, all my life I've been searching for love. but it wasn't until I meet Jesus that I learned what true love was. He has shown me that His love for me is constant and unending. He loves me despite any and all my protests of why I am so unloveable and worth leaving. He has become my first love because I know that no matter what: He will never, ever leave me.
A truth that has forever changed the way I see God, others and myself is that: not only does God love me, but He really, really likes me. He actually enjoys spending time with me. I believe many people believe that God loves them because He has to, but that He really doesn't like them. He only puts up with them, again, because He has to. But, nothing could be further from the truth. God delights in us (Zephaniah 3:17). In my journey with Him, I feel like He has sung these lyrics to me: " are, beautiful inside. So lovely and I can't see why I'd do anything without you, you are. And when I'm not with you, I know that it's true that I'd rather be anywhere but here without you."
Do you know that God is absolutely crazy in love with you? That He loves spending time with you and hearing you tell Him about your day, all day, everyday! Just like love, faith is also a choice. Each and everyday we all choose to put our faith in something (money, stuff, ourselves, others, etc.). Maybe today's the day you choose to put your faith in what the Bible says about Jesus and the truth that not only does God love you, but that He really really likes you and enjoys spending all the time in the world with you!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Where's the love?
I've been convicted more and more these days of the stinginess of my love. When I read about Jesus' life here on earth, it reveals a love that's full and free. Jesus loved people without strings attached. He met them where they were at and loved them. He gave people the freedom and dignity to choose for themselves how they wanted to respond to His love. That's why I really appreciate this video because it challenges me to love without question, to give my love away completely for free.
But, this video also challenges me to love people fully with all that I am. Again, that's how Jesus loved people, with all of Himself. He held nothing back, not even His very life which He willingly gave up for our sake. His sacrifice was the ultimate selfless act of love in which everyone who chooses to believe and accept this incredible gift can then spend all of eternity with Him in Heaven. Love is so amazing, yet so mysterious at the same time.
When I think about God's unconditional love for me, I am always floored and amazed. The bible talks about "the mystery of God," meaning there are some things about God that we may never, ever understand this side of Heaven. For me, part of the mystery of God is His unconditional love. The more I experience God's love, the more I am overwhlemed by the depth and breadth of His love. If I really sit down to ponder this, I believe that the only way to fully embrace and experience the fullness of God's love would take an eternity.
The bible says, "We love becuase God first loved us" (1 John 4:19). I find comfort in this because this means that I don't have to generate this full and free love on my own. But the more I press into God's love the more His love will fuel my love both for Him and for others. What an amazing truth! My prayer is that from this day foward you would experience a greater depth and breadth of God's love in your life and that His love would bring healing, salvation and restoration to your life. I pray that God's love would literally begin to bubble out of your heart because it is so full of His love. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Lifehouse: hanging by a moment
This song will always have a special place in my heart. When God first began speaking to me through music, this song was in the top ten. Now, I've always loved music, I remember as a kid I used to love just listening to the radio. Then in high school I joined a punk rock band where I wrote songs about all the anger, angst and loneliness I felt in my heart. For most of my life those were the types of songs that I gravitated towards. It wasn't until God entered my life that He began to connect me to the deeper longings of my heart that lay hidden beneath the anger, angst and loneliness: longings for peace, hope and love. When this happened the music within my heart began to change.
When I say that God began speaking to me through music I mean there were times where I literally felt like the song on the radio was being played just for me, like God was talking directly to my heart in that moment. Has that ever happened to you? Music has played a huge part in how God drew me to Himself. Like I said I was loud and angry, but God used music to connect me to the deeply broken places in my heart; places which I'd ignored for so long, it was like they never existed. But the more I connected with my heart, the more I connected with God and the more I connected with God, the more I connected with my heart. These were some of the most frightening and exciting times of my life: the first days of my spiritual awakening.
Needless to say, I was overwhelmed at everything I was now experiencing. I was really kind of clueless at what was happening. All I knew was that I liked what was happening and I wanted more, but I didn't know what I wanted more of. Looking back I now know that God was literally transforming my heart. So when I first heard this song, the lyrics helped me put words to the deep rumblings in my heart that I was too afraid to embrace let alone speak. Little did I know that all this time God was wooing me, He was showing me just how much He loved and cared for me and how much He desired to be with me and that all the feelings welling up in me reflected the reality that I was actually falling in love with God. "Desperate for changing, starving for truth, I'm closer to where I started chasing after You. I'm falling even more in love with You, letting go of all I've held onto.."
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Goo Goo Dolls: Sympathy
There's something about this song that will always moves me. Maybe it's because the lyrics remind me of my own personal aspirations, the dreams that have the power to consume me if I'm not careful. I can get pretty driven at times where I can isolate myself from others for the sake of achievement. Going after my dreams at the exclusion of others is a lonely path to be on. "I'm killing myself from the inside out and all my fears have pushed you out."
This song makes me think through the priorities of my life and where I've lost sight of what's really important in life. "I wish for things that I don't need (all I wanted) and what I chase won't set me free (all I wanted)." Whenever I hear those lyrics I am reminded of the times where I've put material things over and above people. Where I've made idols of stuff or achievements at the expense of others. Fame and fortune are cruel taskmasters. "It's hard to lead the life you choose (all I wanted) when all your luck's run out on you..."
Receiving sympathy when you feel so undeserving of it can be a very strange feeling indeed. Our shame doesn't know what to do with it and our pride doesn't want to accept it. But, sympathy is a still a gift. Sympathy says, "I may not know what you're going through, but I feel for you." Sympathy motivates people towards love and understanding and has the power to form an invisible bond between persons. Sympathy makes room in a person's heart for another. "Stranger than your sympathy...and I'm not sure where I belong." Sympathy says you belong.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
David Crowder Band: thank You for Hearing me
This song hits really close to home these days because I'm realizing just how much of a gift from God is my faith in Jesus. There are so many people in the world who are searching for something to believe in. My prayer for them is that I hope God guides them to what they are looking for. Ultimately, from my perspective I know that to be God Himself. My life before placing my faith in Jesus and after are like night and day. Before I was lost and wandered aimlessly from one thing to another trying to find satisfaction. Today, I have this satisfaction that I carry around with me because the Holy Spirit dwells within me, His presence dampens the need to find satisfaction elsewhere.
So, if there is a current anthem to my heart right now this song would be it: "Thank You for loving me....Thank You for finding me....Thank You for hearing me....Thank You for healing me....Thank You for saving me....Thank You for loving me." My heart is so grateful that God has through His grace redirected my faith from so many other things and has placed it firmly upon His one and only amazing Son, Jesus, my Savior and Lord. Thank You God!
What's the anthem of your heart?
Sunday, April 4, 2010
All That I Am
Lost in this world full of demons and ghosts,
I walk heavy-laden with their spittle upon my soul.
Enshrouded in darkness, their essence hardens all that I am, trapping me
within a solid steel shell that hinders
my walk back towards You. Enslaved and filled
with the evil desires from this other worldly land, You
shower me with love, gently nurturing me with a kind hand
replacing these lustful wants with a simple love and devotion
which starts to soften all that I am.
With the knowledge of this new found love and devotion, questions
surface and pour out from the deepest part of my soul.
Is there something more to this spiritual world?
Can there be a new beginning? Can I be set free?
Fear grips me in its steel grasp, sending me
reeling in insecurity to a vacuous stronghold. Frozen
in an arctic desert of uncertainty, I stand
shivering in space. Fiery missiles rain down from above - penetrating
this hardened layer, this false covering. Spearing
into the ground, crackling the frozenness, baking
the land, melting its cold comfort
which starts to warm all that I am.
Beginning by opening my heart, You purposefully speak
directly to my spirit, reassuring me that the deep ache within
me will be finally filled and that I will be free.
Hearing Your Word as it starts to pour into my soul, You
answer all my questions that now flow freely out to You.
Longing for the quiet peacefulness of Your arms, I wait -
with an open heart and willing spirit as Your transcending
peace envelopes me, basking me in a light
of purity, housing me in a true safe haven
which starts to reshape all that I am.
Throw me into the fire of forgiveness, purge me
of all this misbegotten shame and guilt, mold me
into a man of character, into a man of integrity, refining
all that I am into all that I will ultimately become.
I walk heavy-laden with their spittle upon my soul.
Enshrouded in darkness, their essence hardens all that I am, trapping me
within a solid steel shell that hinders
my walk back towards You. Enslaved and filled
with the evil desires from this other worldly land, You
shower me with love, gently nurturing me with a kind hand
replacing these lustful wants with a simple love and devotion
which starts to soften all that I am.
With the knowledge of this new found love and devotion, questions
surface and pour out from the deepest part of my soul.
Is there something more to this spiritual world?
Can there be a new beginning? Can I be set free?
Fear grips me in its steel grasp, sending me
reeling in insecurity to a vacuous stronghold. Frozen
in an arctic desert of uncertainty, I stand
shivering in space. Fiery missiles rain down from above - penetrating
this hardened layer, this false covering. Spearing
into the ground, crackling the frozenness, baking
the land, melting its cold comfort
which starts to warm all that I am.
Beginning by opening my heart, You purposefully speak
directly to my spirit, reassuring me that the deep ache within
me will be finally filled and that I will be free.
Hearing Your Word as it starts to pour into my soul, You
answer all my questions that now flow freely out to You.
Longing for the quiet peacefulness of Your arms, I wait -
with an open heart and willing spirit as Your transcending
peace envelopes me, basking me in a light
of purity, housing me in a true safe haven
which starts to reshape all that I am.
Throw me into the fire of forgiveness, purge me
of all this misbegotten shame and guilt, mold me
into a man of character, into a man of integrity, refining
all that I am into all that I will ultimately become.
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