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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rita Springer: phenomenon

A few weeks back God miraculously grew out one of my legs and then evened them out (for the full story click here). While I have been processing this, what the Holy Spirit has brought to my attention is how I can get easily sidetracked by the supernatural. Meaning, when a miracle happens I can very easily forget the Miracle Worker (God) because I am so captivated by the miracle itself. That's why I love this song, it reminds me that I don't follow God because of the supernatural but because I love Him. "I am not here just to see a phenomenon. I am not here for experiential bliss. I simply come to the feet of the God I serve, the One that I love."

God is a supernatural God, Who works miracles. There is no way of getting around this truth. And this song is a great reminder that witnessing and experiencing the supernatural isn't what we ground our faith in. Rather, our faith needs to be rooted in God Himself. The reason God does miracles is to bring people to faith in Him. But, if our faith is solely rooted in the supernatural, then what we'll have is an immature and shallow faith. "I am not here for the sake of a miracle. I am not here just to see the dead raised. Yes I believe in power supernatural, but that's not why I'm saved." We are saved through a Person, Jesus Christ, in Him is where we must put our faith. 

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