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What is good biblical leadership?

What is good biblical leadership? This is a question I've been asking myself lately. Oftentimes, I see Christian leaders referencing boo...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sarah McLachlan: Blackbird

Whenever I hear this song, it reminds me of redemption which naturally makes me think about my own redemption in Jesus and the amazing miracles He's done in my life. More specifically, when I hear the lyrics "Take these broken wings and learn to fly - all your life." I am reminded that as God has healed and redeemed me of my drug addiction, He has in every way healed my broken wings and has now taught me to fly. Also, when I hear the lyrics "Take these sunken eyes and learn to see - all you life." I am reminded that I was once blind, but now I can see the light! Jesus has given me an eternal perspective on life where before all I saw was pain and suffering, but now I can see hope and healing.

Jesus has set me free to live, move and dance in the freedom of being a beloved child of God, who is loved completely and who loves freely. But, He has also invited and empowered me to bring the hope that He has placed within me to share with a lost and broken world. "Blackbird fly, blackbird fly into the light of the dark black night." That's how these words effect me. I am to take the light of the Gospel into dark places, "into the dark black night."

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