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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Michael Bublé: Home

Whenever I hear this song, I think of being in heaven with Jesus. Now, I know that Michael Bublé is singing about missing his beloved here on earth and I get that (that's also why I love this song). But, there has been a scripture verse that has truly undone my heart for God which says: "I am my Beloved and my Beloved is mine" (Song of Solomon 6:3). For me knowing the Father's love for me changes everything. Knowing that He delights in me as his beloved whether I succeed or fail is enough for me because that shows me that He loves me for me and not for what I do or don't do. Again, knowing the unconditional love of the Father changes everything.
Now the only way to fully know the Father's love is through Jesus. The Bible talks about believers being citizen of heaven who eagerly await our Lord Jesus from there (Philippians 3:10). When I surrendered my life to Jesus, in that moment God filled me with the Holy Spirit and I became a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Too often Christianity is thought of as a religion of rules, but for me Christianity is a relationship of love. The reason I do the things that I do is because I'm madly in love with God. If I choose not to do something, it's out of love for Him.
Truly, I have felt the goodness of God and experienced His kind and gentle touch in my life which only fuels all the more my longing to be at rest with Him in heaven where there will be no more pain or suffering. So, hearing this song really pulls at my heartstrings to be near Jesus. This is especially strong when I am going through a storm in my life. But, for me, heaven is more than just a place where there will be perpetual joy, heaven is where I will finally get to see my Beloved Savior Jesus face to face, that's where home is for me. Home for me will always be where Jesus is. "Let me go home. I’m just too far from where you are. I wanna come home."

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