Well the day started with Michael who passed me a couple times, on the second pass I engaged him in conversation. We talked about spirituality and faith. I explained to him my Christian faith and he talked about a more universal faith. He said he believed that Jesus was the Son of God, but also alluded to other religions leading towards heaven. I told him I respected his beliefs and that I wasn't out here to try and impose my beliefs on people, but about serving the community through prayer. I shared about my personal experiences with God and he asked if I could pray for a greater revelation of God for him and that he desired the Holy Spirit. So, I shared some Scripture with him and then prayed with him. It was good.
Then, Niko and Kat came back around after they too had passed me by. Niko engaged me in conversation while Kat hung back. I explained to Niko my heart for praying for people and he asked if I could pray for his financial situation and some family concerns. I did and he left. But, about a minute later, they came back and his friend Kat asked if I could pray for her. I feel like Niko may have had some understanding of prayer, but Kat was definitely a newbie. It's pretty easy to tell at times because I get blank stares when I ask "how can I pray for you?" So I suggested blessing, hope or purpose in life and she said yes. I feel like my role out here is to love people of course, but to also be a shepherd to them which I really enjoy.
Then, my friend Tyler showed up and hung out for the day and over the next hour or so we had the opportunity to pray with another 6 people. We prayed for clarity and direction for school for Jenny, favor and revelation of God for a group of friends Stephanie, Bridget and Vivian, and healing and deliverance for Ken and his wife. God also gave Tyler some prophetic words for a couple people. Now, a very cool moment happened when Joshua, my friend from the other day came by and literally began to prophesy over Tyler. So very cool! It was definitely on time for Tyler. This is why I love when people come to hang out at the Mobile Prayer Station. God shows up and not only will you get to pray and minister to people but God has been speaking to those that have shown up. My friend Nate had a God appointment when he came by and now Tyler too. I love it!
On further reflection, I feel like when other people join me at the Mobile Prayer Station it's like there is a shift that happens because more spiritual gifts are added to the mix and God brings people to be blessed by these gifts. Not only this, but there is definitely a lot more going on then meets the eye. Only God knows all that is happening, but I know that God is definitely stirring people's heart through the Mobile Prayer Station. God is moving and I feel like a lot has to do with the prayer support of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. So, if that is you, thank you for your faithfulness to Jesus and for interceding for me and the people who are coming for prayer. God is answering your prayers and is opening doors with people. I am definitely amazed at how many people engaged us in conversation today. Though we got to prayer with roughly 10 people today, I must have talked with at least 10 more just about life. Thank you Jesus for Your strength, courage and faithfulness!
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