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What is good biblical leadership?

What is good biblical leadership? This is a question I've been asking myself lately. Oftentimes, I see Christian leaders referencing boo...

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Jesus > Religion (What is the Church really about?)

Jon Jorgenson nails it as he compares religion and Jesus (relationship). The sad reality is that in many churches today, a person can get so easily distracted and sidetracked from the basic truths and motivations of what it means to be a Christian. A term that has been coined recently is "churchianity" where there is a greater focus on the church, rather than on Jesus, where there is a greater focus on building the church, rather than being on mission with Jesus and making disciples, where the emphasis is on doing for God, rather than being with God. Please don't get me started on this. The sad reality is many churches are better at making religious people, than true disciples of Jesus. 

There needs to be more prophetic voices that rise up, like Jon Jorgenson, who are bold enough to challenge the status quo of religion for the sake of Jesus, for the sake of the Gospel. Listen, be challenged, but enjoy these words of truth.  

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