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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Beginnings

One of the books that I'm currently reading is called "Beyond Tolerance: child pornography on the internet," by Philip Jenkins. It's both arresting and alarming. Not only am I appalled at the depth of darkness that surrounds this sexual sin, but I'm dumbfounded at the brazen arrogance that Jenkins quotes from individuals within existing message boards and chat rooms, some of whom have been actively participants in this subculture for over 20 years.
You know just reading and thinking about child abuse makes my heart ache. Now, I'm not talking figuratively here, it seriously makes my heart ache. When I read about atrocities that happen to weak and helpless people, especially children, I will literally do all I can to just let the tragedy of the news change me. I want it to change me because when it does, I know that in that moment God has shared part of His heart with mine. When I start to weep I know that it is God who has revealed to me just how much He loves and cares for them and He has given me the priveldge to love and care for them, too. When I get infuriated at the injustice I know that it is God who has revealed to me just how much He is angered by each violating act committed against each individual person and that my anger is a reflection of His anger.
God to me is always the first cause. It is in Him that new beginnings can happen. He moves and we can either react in obedience or rebellion. We can either sumbit to the reality that He is God and that He does know what's best or we can rebellion against this reality thinking that we know what's best. Where do you fit?
Only God can truly make new beginnings happen for all child abuse victims. I want those three words to sink in: child abuse victims. Think about it, these three words should never be used in the same sentence, let alone in combination to describe a group. If you ever doubt the total depravity of human beings, just think about child abuse. Not only in the sense that these child molesters are completely depraved, but that most people (including me and you) do nothing to help stop it from happening. This my friends is also evidence of total depravity: when we could care more about our own comfort while children are being sexually violated and exploited
Now I'm not saying that we all need to quit our jobs and start campaigning full-time to end child abuse and exploitation (though that would be pretty sweet). What I am saying is that instead of buying that next latte at Starbucks, maybe you could forgo a latte a week and start donating that $5 to an organization that does. If you believe that God answers prayers than pray for change. Prayer should be a no brainer when it comes to child abuse and exploitation.
Pray that God would close down child trafficking rings or child pornography websites. Pray that child predators would be put in jail. Most of all pray that all the child abuse victims (please internalize these words and let them change you) would be set free and healed. My prayer is that if you're reading this, you will begin to pray for change and new beginnings.

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