I know that it's been awhile since we've connected. But, today as I was spending time in God's presence I was reminded of you. I was reminded of the importance of sharing life together and because we are separated by a great distance, sometimes sharing life together means writing and reading about each other's many life adventures. So, here are some highlights of the past couple months and please forgive my absence.
November: a month of transition. I spent much of this month adjusting to both the culture of Taiwan and the church I am serving. Every church is different. Sure most all church believe the same truths (some may place a greater emphasis on specific truths), but all in all the basic tenants of the Christian faith are in place. What differs from church to church is their core values (what drives the church) and philosophy of ministry (how they minister to people). This is what I have been adjusting to here at the church in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
December: a month of inner healing and deliverance ministry. God opened up so many opportunities for me to minister to people by bringing both inner healing and deliverance to them. A real consequence of all the idol worship that happens in Taiwan is that people's lives get enshrouded by darkness where suffering and tragedy happens in great frequency. Also, the amount of demonic activity I've seen and experienced here is truly disturbing. But, even so, I've also seen the tremendous compassion of the Lord Jesus Christ come and bring deep healing to people's hearts and great freedom to people's spirit's. God is so faithful and good!
I wish I could go into some detail here, but let me just say that I have seen demons manifest themselves in people by physically controlling their bodies and by speaking. If you asked me which is more disconcerting I would say both. But, when these demons start speaking, let's just say that it is a bit more challenging. But, I have seen King Jesus time and time again come and exercise His Lordship over these demons by setting people free of them. Sometimes, it's been through Him releasing authority to me through His Name and power to me through of the Holy Spirit. Other times, I've seen Him come and set people free Himself where I haven't had to say or do anything. These times are particularly amazing!
"You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross" (Colossians 2:13-15 NLT).
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