Mother Teresa inspires me to to love more, to love fuller, to love grander. She challenges me to love in a way that is beyond me because she challenges me to incarnate the very love of God. This mean that I must embrace more fully my own status as God's treasured possession as His child. My love must be born out of His love for me (1 John 4:19). If it is not then, my love will always be just that "my love" which will always be in some way selfish and not God's love which is selfless. This is Incarnational love, this is what the Nativity says to the world: Jesus had it all, but He still chose to give it all up, in order to be born in a manger and then eventually be put to death on a cross (Philippians 2:5-8), so that sinners/people could be reconciled back to God (Romans 5:8).
We are suppose to incarnate this kind of love, a selfless love that looks to the needs of others first and then our own second. This kind of love will always be beyond us, but it is not for us to do alone. It is a task to be accomplished in the fellowship of Christ and His Body. Being the very hands and feet of Jesus means: allowing His love to flow in and through us which will bring hope to a lost and broken world while transforming and unifying us as one.
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