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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Creative LOVE

Doesn't watching this video touch something within you that makes
you want to go out and be creative? This video really captures the essence of what the flow of creativity must look like within every single person. We are all made in the image of God, so we all have the capacity to bubble and flow with creativity. But becuase of sin, we all also have this internal editor that is afraid to be known. To be creative means revealing who you are on the inside. It means allowing others to peer into your heart and soul. It means sharing a little bit of yourself with the world.

God shared His heart with us when He created us in His image. But, He also shared His heart with us when He gave the world His one and only Son (John 3:16). Jesus is the only One who sets people free into the Kingdom of God where we are unleashed to be all who God created each of us to be; where people experience the uncondtional love of God. Without Jesus, perfect and unconditional love will always be beyond our grasp. I believe the greatest evidence of the grace and love of God is when people are fully known and fully loved.

I love this quote from Vincent Van Gogh who said: "The more I think it over, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people." So, ask God to set you free into the love of Christ who unleashes us into the creative unconditional love of God. And then go love someone creatively today!

1 comment:

marcmantasoot said...

Beautiful post, Gerry. Creative expression exercises faith in God's grace and unconditional love. It involves risk-taking and discovery of self, God, and world. And yes, we are created in the image of the Creator, right---created to create. The video and the music give me a sense of all these---grace, beauty, faith, love. Thank you.